2 Julai 2019

Officially Graduated (2 years ago πŸ˜‚) 2019 post!

Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera, ni hao, vanakem!

After longggg time I didn't write and bebel di blog ni. I'm finally back guys!!

Yes 1st and foremost, of course I know nobody will read my writing pon πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ tapi saja sesuka nak writing, just maybe I want to share sedikit sebanyak pengalaman hidup, ilmu tak seberapa ni, at least ada la juga untuk dibuat saham akhirat.

Andddd most yang dm kat my facebook akan tanya about my post regarding physics course. I sumpah really glad boleh share some experience during my degree with all of you, but sorry that I could't help that much as myself pon already leaving my study almost 2 year. Then my information pon dah outdated. Some of your question, I memang tak dapat nak jawab. Maybe, boleh give you a rough idea how the course, physics students life je la kot.. Ok tu je nk bagi tahu πŸ˜…

Btw dah title pon cerita pasal graduate. So here my graduation pose! (aku riak + bangga kot sebab berjaya jugak habiskan degree pizik, fuhh acahh sangat)

Apa² pon I wish you, all the best, selamat berjuangπŸ’ͺ

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